How to Apply Serum on Face?

How to Apply Serum on Face

Nowadays, women put a lot of skincare products on their faces to prevent or at least delay aging. Gone are the days when they would just use a mild cleanser to clean their faces and a generic moisturizer to hydrate their skin. Back then, they swear by this two-step skin care routine and then hit the sack right after!

Now, more often than not, their skin care arsenal includes serums because why not? Serums are said to be better than your regular moisturizers! That said, we will teach you how to apply serum on face correctly to ensure that you get the most of it and that it truly works on your skin.

What Is a Face Serum?

You may have been probably seeing face serums being offered in physical beauty stores and online shops for quite a while now, but what is it really and what does it do to your skin?

Serums have high concentrations of content like retinol, vitamin C, and antioxidants to interrupt environmental assault on your skin. Serums work like moisturizers too, but unlike your regular moisturizer, face serums are lightweight, and they have high percentages of active ingredients which penetrate deeply into the skin.

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Benefits of Using Face Serums

Aside from deeply nourishing your skin, serums also have beauty and skin benefits that will make you use them regularly. Yes, it may be an additional step in your skincare routine, but you will surely see visible results when used on a daily basis. These include:

  • Improving your skin texture and making it firmer due to its high content of vitamin C and collagen
  • Tightening your enlarged pores preventing your skin from having those gross blackheads and whiteheads
  • Reducing your skin's dryness and visible fine lines
  • Lightening some dark and red spots, acne scars, and pimple marks. Please be advised that when using a serum, do it in a holistic manner and avoid using harmful peels and chemicals.
  • Improving your oily skin as it has a lightweight consistency and most brands are water-based
  • Making your skin brighter and more glowing as some serums have micro-reflectors that help stimulate cell renewal

How to Apply Serum on Face?

Applying a face serum is definitely easy and effortless. However, there is a proper way of doing it to make sure you are not wasting any amount of the product. So, whether you are using the least or most expensive brand serum there is in the market, what matters is you are using it correctly and on adailyre is how it is done:

Step 1: Wash your face thoroughly to add a little moist on your skin. This is good for deep penetration of the serum.

Step 2: Put a warm--not hot--towel on your face and leave it for a few seconds to open your pores slightly.

Step 3: Apply a pea-size amount of face serum on your forehead, cheeks, and chin using your fingertips.

Pro Tip #1: Warm the serum between your palms so that your skin absorbs it quickly.

Step 4: Start applying the serum evenly on your face and neck using the natural weight of your hands. Do not rub or stretch your skin too hard; just gently stroke your face instead. Once done, tap your face gently using your fingers. This will help your face absorb the serum a bit more.

Step 5: Wait for the serum to dry for a minute before applying your eye cream and moisturizer. A simple rule of thumb is to always start from the thinnest to the thickest skincare product.

Pro Tip #2: During your day time regime, lock down your serum, eye cream, moisturizer with sunscreen. Skin experts swear by wearing sunscreen before exposing the skin under the sun.

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How to Choose the Right Serum for Your Skin?

There are many types of serums that you can choose from, but not all would suit your skin. Sometimes, the serum’s classy and stylish packaging makes it appealing to some women that they end up buying it. Do not all for that trick!

Instead, choose the right one with the right ingredients for your skin type to ensure its effectiveness. Therefore, when going for a serum shopping activity, take the skin expert’s recommendation–go for the brands that have good reputations and are clinically tested. Always settle for a face serum that has high ingredient concentrations.

With reference to actual ingredients, serums with salicylic acid or glycolic acid work best for oily skin. For dry skin, look for serums with vitamin E and hydrating proteins formula like hyaluronic acid as this attracts water to the skin.

Meanwhile, aging, dull, or combination skin will find its comfort from serums with both vitamin C and retinoids. There are also types of face serums that aim for wrinkle and fine line reduction, pore tightening, and acne clarifying, to name a few. However, this does not mean you need to have them and use them all at the same time. Use just one hardworking serum at a time and apply it twice a day.

Final Thoughts

Face serums are making noise in the skincare industry because of its promising beauty benefits. You can also start reaping these said benefits; you just need to know what brand is compatible on your skin and how to apply serum on face correctly to get the most of it. Why? Because every serum has its designed formulas for every skin type and targeted problem areas.

For those of you who are new to face serums, we know that adding one more product to your skin care regime might seem like a drag since it is more expensive than your regular moisturizers due to its highly active formulations. However, the benefits you will soon be reaping from using facia serums will be worth it. Plus, there are also those reasonably priced serums that can do the job.

Just remember to focus on what your skin needs so that it can be addressed immediately, and you will surely see positive results in a couple of weeks or more.

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