
Anti-aging, Skin Care

Royal Jelly

The Amazing Benefits of Royal Jelly

Have you heard of Royal Jelly yet? If not, it probably sounds like a really fancy spread for your toast or next PB&J sandwich. However, it is not. Instead, it is something much better. Royal Jelly is a secretion from male bees that feeds the queen (hence “royal”) and you […]

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Anti-aging, Skin Care

Beautify Yourself With Coconut Oil

Beautify Yourself With Coconut Oil

By now, I’m sure that you’ve heard of the awesome uses coconut oil has, from cooking to homemade soap to diaper cream. It also has some amazing health benefits. Coconut oil has risen in popularity lately due to its versatility and the results people have gotten from using it. It […]

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Drink Your Age Away? A Review of Drinkable Collagens

Drink Your Age Away? A Review of Drinkable Collagens

I recently heard of an 80 proof gin that says it can help prevent aging. It has a very suitable name, Anti-aGin, and it is a drinkable collagen. Collagen is important in helping skin stay firm and is very popular in anti-aging skincare products. The gin also contains other beneficial […]

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Anti-aging, Skin Care

Looking Young In The Sun

Looking Young In The Sun

As things start warming up and with spring turning to summer, I think it’s important to talk about something that I know I’m personally bad at: sunscreen! Now, I mention it in relation to summer, as that is when most people think it’s needed. However, sun can damage your skin […]

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Looking Younger: A Review of the Ageless Body System

Looking Younger: A Review of the Ageless Body System

Do you take a look in the mirror and obsess over the fine lines you see there each day? You are hardly alone in doing that. We live in a society where youth is given prime position as one of the chief markers of beauty, so every wrinkle and age […]

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The Top Anti-aging Foods for Your Skin

The Top Anti-aging Foods for Your Skin

Odd as it sounds, your face may show you eat. People who tend to eat healthier foods often keep smoother, less wrinkled faces later in their lives. Those who tend to feast on junk food, on the other hand, usually grow lines horribly early. This should not be a surprise. […]

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How to Go About Ageless Skin Care

How to Go About Ageless Skin Care

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The Best Anti-aging Products to Get Yourself in 2016

The Best Anti-aging Products to Get Yourself in 2016

Already making your shopping list of skin care items for this year? Well, if your concern is to keep yourself looking young — and whose isn’t? — this might be able to help. Below we will list the top anti-aging products and aids you can get this year, with some […]

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