Articles by: Lisa

Skin Care

Best Ice Roller for Face in 2025 – Complete Review With Comparisons

Best Ice Roller for Face in 2025 – Complete Review With Comparisons

If you are looking to take your beauty routine to the next level, you should definitely add an ice roller to your list of considerations. There are plenty of advantages that come with using this simple device. In short, the ice roller will give your skin a stunning complexion, massaging […]

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Anti-aging, Skin Care

Best Anti-Aging Neck Cream – Complete Reviews With Comparison

Best Anti-Aging Neck Cream – Complete Reviews With Comparison

Our necks are often the most overlooked parts of our bodies when we think about anti-aging routines. We’re too caught up in the face, skin, hands, and more and we forget one crucial part of the body that is almost always exposed to the sun – our necks.  There are thousands […]

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Skin Care

What Do Tanning Bed Lotions Do

What Do Tanning Bed Lotions Do

Do you desire to get a healthy glow over the summer months? Unfortunately, it is not always possible to realize an ideal tan by laying out basking in the sun. Tanning bed lotion can then come in handy, giving you bronzed skin similar to people living near beaches, despite the […]

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Skin Care

When To Apply Tanning Bed Lotion

When To Apply Tanning Bed Lotion

You might imagine that tanning lotion is unnecessary for you since you are having your sessions on a tanning bed. However, you need it to create glowing and evenly toned skin. Without such a lotion, your skin becomes dry, splotchy, and ceases to be attractive. Application of the lotion for a […]

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Skin Care

Best Tanning Bed Lotion – Complete Reviews with Comparison

Best Tanning Bed Lotion – Complete Reviews with Comparison

The summer season may be over but that doesn’t mean that you still can’t rock a nice tan. Visiting a tanning salon is fine as long as you don’t overdo it. The best way to protect yourself from skin redness and burns is by using a tanning bed lotion which doesn’t […]

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Skin Care

What Does the Number on Sunscreen Mean

What Does the Number on Sunscreen Mean

“Make sure you put on some sunscreen!” We have all heard that as we ran out the door to have a bit of summer fun, and it was good advice. The damage that the sun could cause to your skin might have long-lasting effects, and sunscreen is intended to protect […]

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Skin Care

Does Sunscreen Prevent You from Tanning

Does Sunscreen Prevent You from Tanning

When you get ready for summer, often for many, that means getting a good tan. Though the sun is dangerous, many people still choose to do this the old-fashioned way by laying it out. But over the last several decades, the truth about the dangers has made this method challenging. After […]

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Skin Care

Best Vegan Sunscreen – Complete Reviews With Comparison

Best Vegan Sunscreen – Complete Reviews With Comparison

If you know anything about skincare, then you know how important it is to wear sunscreen. It protects your skin from the sun’s harmful UV rays, which can cause premature aging, sun spots, and discoloration. It goes without saying that you should be wearing sunscreen every day, but for vegans, […]

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Skin Care

How to Care for Oily Skin in Winter

How to Care for Oily Skin in Winter

If you’ve got oily skin, then you might feel that winters are great for your skin. There might be times that you forget to apply moisturizer or do any skincare because you don’t feel the need to. The truth is that you need to care for your oily skin throughout […]

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Skin Care

Is Shea Butter Good for Oily Skin?

Is Shea Butter Good for Oily Skin?

If you have oily skin, we can understand why you might be reluctant to try new products or any kind of butter on your skin. Shea butter is renowned for having a thick consistency, and so many people with oily skin tend to stay far away from it. Another thing […]

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